PharmArtis International LLC completed the harmonisation of existing state drug registrations in Russia with the requirements of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC).
According to the acts of the EEC, the regulatory body of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), all existing state registrations of medicinal products in the countries of the union must be harmonised with the new Eurasian rules. That is, updated registration dossiers must be submitted to the regulatory authorities of the union countries for evaluation by expert organisations. Next, new approvals for the medical use of drugs will be obtained, confirmed by the issuance of registration certificates by each of the EAEU countries. Circulation of medicinal products with state registrations that have not been brought into compliance with the EEC acts will be discontinued from 2026 as the expiry date of the series introduced into civil circulation before the end of 2025 expires.